Уилиан окончателно се сбогува с Челси


Уилиан официално напусна Челси. 32-годишният футболист си тръгва от клуба след седем години престой на „Стамфорд Бридж“. Той записа 190 мача със синия екип, в които вкара 28 попадения.

Улиан спечели два пъти титлата от Висшата лига с Челси. Той вдигна по два пъти и трофеите от ФА Къп през сезон 2016/17 и 2017/18 и Карабао Къп през сезон 2014/15 и 2018/19. През кампанията 2018/19 Уилиан и „сините“ от Лондон триумфираха и в Лига Европа.

„Дойде време да си тръгна. Наистина ще ми липсват моите съотборници. Ще ми липсва също и целият щаб на клуба, който ме третираше като техен син, както и феновете. Тръгвам си от тук с високо вдигната глава, знаейки че съм завоювал трофеи и винаги съм давал най-доброто от себе си, докато носих екипа на Челси”, написа Уилиан на сбогуване.


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AN OPEN LETTER TO THE FANS OF CHELSEA FOOTBALL CLUB . . They were seven wonderful years. In August 2013 when I received the offer from Chelsea, I was convinced that this was where I had to play. Today I am certain that it was the best of decisions. There were so many happy times, some sad, there were trophies and it was always very intense. . . Yet, beyond the trophies, I learnt a lot about myself. I developed a great deal, becoming a better player and a better person. With each training session, with each game, with every minute spent in the dressing room, I was always learning. . . I am really grateful to the Chelsea fans for the affectionate way they welcomed me at Stamford Bridge and their support throughout my time at the club. There was also criticism, which is normal, what is important though is that both the affection and criticism drove me to always give my all in every training session, every game, to be constantly improving until my very last minute in a Chelsea shirt! . . The time has now come to move on. I am certainly going to miss my teammates. I will miss all the staff at the club who’ve always treated me like a son and I will miss the fans. I leave with my head held high, safe in the knowledge that I won things here and always did my best in a Chelsea shirt! . . My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you and God bless you! . Willian Borges da Silva

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